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Welcome to GU Finance

G U FINANCIAL SERVICES PVT LTD (GUFSPL) registered as a Non- Banking Financial Company- Microfinance Institution, is a home grown and one of the leading organization in the coastal belt of Odisha to offer micro loans ranging from INR.12,000 to INR.75,000 under various customers’ need based products including Sweet Home for house repairs/renovation or extension, Nirmal for water, sanitation & Hygiene, Samrudhi for micro enterprises and (IFF) Integrated Fish Farming.

GUFSPL has been providing micro credit services since 2008. It registered with RBI in the year 2013 and incorporated in the year 1989 under the companies Act, 1956. It converted to NBFC-MFI on 22nd August, 2018. GUFSPL is a prominent venture for financial inclusion aspires to provide products and services in micro credit space in order to promote financial inclusion in Odisha.

GUFSPL provides activity based financial products like Unnati for Income Generating and Agri-allied activities, Sweet Home for house repairs/renovation or extension purpose, Nirmal for Water, Sanitation & Hygiene purpose, Samrudhi for Micro Enterprises activities and Uday for Integrated Fish Farming activities so as to cater the needs of the customers. The Company imparts effort not only to access un-served areas, but it also functions for true development of the households associated with, through continued innovation on effective product and smooth delivery mechanisms. In 2008, GUFSPL started operation only in Kendrapara district of Odisha, now it operates at 51 branches across 16 districts in Odisha and Chhattisgarh.

Operational Area

Our Impact



Success Stories


Asmita (19)

An unmarried girl named Sasmita (19) resides in the village Bajarpur of Rajkanika block of Kendrapada district. The story of Sasmita Nayak is about her struggle to become an expert on the field Agarbati making. To meet the financial needs of her family she got herself enrolled in the training provided by KPC on agarbati making in her village. After the training program KPC assured to provide raw materials and marketing as well at their doorstep .After getting the assurance she started working on agarbati making and earning Rs35/- to Rs40/- per day. She works hard and adopts the trade as her livelihood to improve the economic condition of her family.


Taking Poultry Route for Prosperity
Ms. Smitanjali Khatua
At- Banamaliprasad, Dhenkanal, Odisha

Leaving behind all social stigma and fear of loss, Smitanjali Khatua of Banamaliprasad, Dhenkanal along with her family members started poultry farming after getting financial service and support from GUFSPL. She is one of the active members of Banamaliprasad-D SHG formed and nurtured by GUFSPL staff members. Poultry are farmed in great numbers in the country but our SHG members believe that the demand in the poultry business is yet to be satisfied. It really plays an important role in the total economy and fulfilling the nutrition demand in the locality.  Smitanjali and her family members are doing poultry farming with all effort and in a year are able to complete six cycle of production. Each cycle fetch them around Rs.10, 000/- which is Rs.60, 000/- per annum.

This gives ample hints that the women SHG members like Smitanjali have capacity for business planning, management of the unit, marketing as well negotiation with GUFSPL and Suguna chicken center for timely loan support and marketing respectively. She availed Rs.8, 000/- of loan amount as first loan, Rs.15, 000/- as second loan and Rs.30, 000/- as third loan respectively. Women members like Smitanjali have the capacity but due to lack of capital they were living poor life. Timely tiny loan support brought improvements in their economic condition of their family. The most important part which needs to be highlighted is the example created by these women members of other SHG women of their locality to start Income Generating Activity to become change agent of their family as well as village.


 Benefits of Scale
Ms. Lilibala Sahoo
At- Bhapur, Dhenkanal, Odisha
Odisha is a state with highest consumption of green vegetables. The women SHG members know well there is a demand in the market for green and leafy vegetables. Normally in rural areas, the households do cultivate vegetable in their land near to their household for consumption and to sell the surplus. Lilibala Sahoo of Banamaliprasad, Dhenkanal inspired by the staff members of GUFSPL thought to do vegetable cultivation for increase of income for their household. She along with her family members decided to avail financial services from GUFSPL to do vegetable cultivation in small scale wherein they can increase the income as well cash flow to their household.
Gradually she learnt a lot regarding vegetable cultivation like seasonal crop planning, technical knowledge to reduce input cost and use of organic manure. She availed loan of Rs.8, 000/-, Rs.15, 000/- and Rs.30, 000/- as first, second and third loan respectively. At the increase of loan amount Lilibala Sahoo also increase the area of vegetable cultivation. At present she is cultivating vegetable in 3 acres of land which fetches Rs.65, 000/- to Rs.70,000/- per annum income to the household. At the same time her households and neighbours got fresh green vegetable to eat. She got the benefits of scale.  

Financial Services

We provide Microfinance services: We have more than 2 decades of experience in providing microfinance facilities to the rural populace. Our strength lies in understanding the functioning of the rural financial market, which enables us to connect better with the clients. We are associated with the clients by providing various credit plus activities which help them to lead a better quality life.

Our focus is to alleviate poverty: We provide collateral free loans to the rural women through the SHG model. Our interest rates are as per the industry given standards. Our primary aim is to financially educate the rural population and provide development finance and eradicate poverty.

We have a definite geographical area of operations: Our activities are concentrated in the State of Odisha. Our definitive geographical coverage gives us a firm control over the given area. However, in due course of time with more flow of funds we have planned to venture into other states to mitigate the concentration risk.

We provide Microfinance services: We have more than 2 decades of experience in providing microfinance facilities to the rural populace. Our strength lies in understanding the functioning of the rural financial market, which enables us to connect better with the clients. We are associated with the clients by providing various credit plus activities which help them to lead a better quality life.